Mehr Informationen über GPA
The approach GPA
- a summary from the official website.
This is an excellent summary of the approach. Read it if you feel you need more details and information about Greg Thomson’s ideas behind this approach of participating in a new community. You will also find detailed descriptions of the six phases of GPA, their goals and their characteristics.
GPA - original texts and articles
The button below leads you to a big variety of different texts by the creator of GPA, Greg Thomson. As my explanation in German and other languages is always based on my individual experience and understanding, I find it very important to provide the original sources as well. You’ll find a lot of texts to each single phase as well as an introduction and guide books for GPA sessions (all in English).
The six phase program of GPA
- an overview from the official website.
This overview will lead you through all the six phases of the approach GPA: 1. Connecting,
2. Emerging, 3. Knowable, 4. Deep personal relationships, 5. Widening understanding and 6. Ever participating/growing.
I also provide you with a short summary of all the phases of GPA in German.
GPA - videos
There is a great collection of videos online, to be watched at the platform Vimeo. In most of the videos you can watch Greg or Angela Thomson doing GPA lessons (for English learners) or explaining the deeper idea of their approach of growing participation. Very interesting if you would like to see how GPA actually looks like and which methods are being used to expand the learners vocabulary.
aus der Sicht eines Lerners
Blog von der Webseite des tunesischen Übersetzungs- und Sprachkursanbieters ilès translation. Er fasst den Zugang GPA auf Deutch gut zusammen und bietet zwei weitere interessante Texte zu GPA: GPA aus der Sicht eines Lerners (Vorteile) und GPA aus der Sicht eines Lerners (mögliche Hindernisse).
GPA - learning Arabic
In einigen arabischen Ländern ist GPA als Sprachlernzugang für Arabisch schon recht bekannt. Ich habe selbst im Misbah Center und bei Shabeek in Amman Arabisch gelernt.
In some Arabic speaking countries GPA as language learning approach became quite popular already. I myself have been taking GPA sessions at Misbah Center and Shababeek in Amman, Jordan.
“It’s a life to be lived, not a language to be learned.”
Greg Thomson, Entwickler der GPA-Methode